映画で英会話 TangoTango!!

映画 de 英単語帳- か -

  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R Sa So T U V W X Y Z  come go get give take put

に-の る-わ

かいかぶっているSofia thinks too much of herself. The Color
概算のGive me a ballpark figure. How much? Pretty Woman
買いたいと思っているSo, you're in the market for a BMW? Double Jeopardy
蛙の子は蛙だなHe's a chip off the old block. October Sky
顔を立ててやった I gave you guys the credit. 15 Minutes
解雇通知pink slip
関わり合いになるshe mixed up in this? The Big Sleep
かかれLet's get it on. ブラック・ダイヤモンド
嗅ぎ付けるIf the press gets wind of what you're after and starts digging. The Pelican Brief
駆け出しの頃salad days Raising Arizona
かけ離れてA far cry from New York. The Talented Mr. Ripley
過去の過ちを清算するWe are willing to wipe the slate clean. Matrix
片がつくMaybe someday I'll sort it all out. A Little
価値を調べてくれFind out what they're worth. ブラック・ダイヤモンド
かっこつけるのはやめろStop showing off. White Men
Can't Jump
勝ったも同然 Surprise, as you very well know, Mr.Ness, is half the battle. The
勝手ながら...しましたI've taken the liberty of making an appiontment for you. ミセス・ダウト
ガス欠だぞYour bike needs gas. X-MEN2
壁に耳ありThe walls have ears. Exit Wounds
カボチャのランプ(ハロウイーン用)jack o' lantern Halloween
かまととぶるなDon't be coy. コピーキャット
我慢できない I can't take it. What's eating
Gilbert Greap
からかうMy friends make fun of me. Big Daddy
からかうWho's pulling your leg? Requiem
for a Dream
考えつくWhat if you never come up with your original idea? A Beautiful Mind
考えてみるとcome to think of it U-Turn
関係があるYour son had something to do with this? Pay It
関係者各位To whom it may concern. Primary Colors
...関して言えばwhen it comes to... Innerspace
かんにさわる Why? Am I getting to you? Lethal Weapon 3
カンニングしたんだI cheated on a final. Mystic Pizza
乾杯!Make a toast! The Other
完璧だA-okay Mulholland Drive
管理人が入れてくれたのThe super let me in. 【superintendent の略】 Hush
勘弁してくれGive me a break. Bandits
勘弁してくれよCome on, man. ブラック・ダイヤモンド
がんばれHang in there. Innerspace