映画で英会話 TangoTango!!

映画 de 英単語帳- と -

  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R Sa So T U V W X Y Z  come go get give take put

に-の る-わ

どういたしましてDon't mention it. Men in Black II
どうしちゃったんだ?This is insane. What's gotten into you? Manhattan
Murder Mystery
どうしようもないI can't help it. The Crying Game
どうするつもりだ?What do you intend to do? X-MEN2
どうせ無駄さWhat's the point? The Blues
Brothers 2000
...同然だYou were as good as broke. Mulholland Drive
遠回しに言うbeat around the bush Practical Magic
時は金なりTime is money. Big Trouble
in Little China
時の人I'm the flavor of the month. Mission Impossible
特別なランチMy lawyer took me out to a fancy lunch. Erin Brockovich
どこまで話したっけ?Where were we? O Brother,
Where Art Thou?
どちらかって言えば...かなぁThe problem is I'm kinda picky. Shallow Hal
どちらとも言いかねるWell, it's hard to say. Reservoir Dogs
ドッカーン!Kaboon! (カブーン) Mystery Men
取っておきのものを出す How about I break out some graham crackers Corrina Corrina
途方に暮れてI'd be lost at sea. Tomorrow Never Dies
取り合わせがいいIt goes well with the white. Bugsy
取り沙汰されなくなるThis will blow over. Collateral Damage
取り計らうI can see to it... Jakob the Liar
どれにしようかなEanie, meanie, minie, moe. The Avengers
とんだなりゆきでねBeyond the acts of God. Fargo
どんなに悪く見えるものにも良い面があるThere's a silver lining to every cloud. Wild Things