映画で英会話 TangoTango!!

映画 de 英単語帳- せ -

  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R Sa So T U V W X Y Z  come go get give take put

に-の る-わ

成功したも同然half the battle Big Daddy
成功するI can't believe you pulled this off. Gattaca
...製That's a Parker pen. Enemy of
the State
生理period (menstrual period) Nine Months
制限なしだThe sky's the limit. Blow
声明を発表する The president will begin by addressing the nation. Deep Impact
世間知らずDo you think I'm naiveTrue Crime
絶対口を割らないwild horses wouldn't drag it from... The Talented Mr. Ripley
絶対ヤだHell no! ブラック・ダイヤモンド
接続するI hooked up the phone. Panic Room
せっぱ詰まってI'm the one under the gun here. いとこのビニー
せっぱ詰まっているんだなYou're hanging by a very thin thread. Jerry Maguire
選択方式Multiple choice Wild Things
前言撤回しろTake it back. The Fabulous
Baker Boys
専攻は?What's your major? Little Man Tate
詮索もほどほどにCuriosity killed the cat. The Nightmare
Before Christmas
専念するWe keep our minds occupied. Cookie's Fortune
全力をつくしたMaggie, you put up a terrific fight. City of Angels