映画で英会話 TangoTango!!

映画 de 英単語帳- ち -

 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R Sa So T U V W X Y Z come go get give take put


近いけどハズレClose, but no cigar. Forever Young
stool pigeon L.A. Confidential
血眼になってYou seem hell bent on blaming yourself, Eathan. Mission: Impossible
直感で行動するplay a hunch The X Files
ちょっと待て Hold it. Lethal Weapon 3
中古車a used car Five Easy Pieces
調査するNo, she will think I'm checking up on again. Footloose
ちょろい This is nothing. This is a walk in the park. Wags The Dog