映画で英会話 TangoTango!!

映画 de 英単語帳- た -

  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R Sa So T U V W X Y Z  come go get give take put

に-の る-わ

第一級a one Presumed Innocent
退学処分になったI was thrown out. Mystic Pizza
代金を請求するask Christine
大賛成ですI could not agree with you more. Mystery Men
体力に自信がないover the hill Total Recall
絶えずずっと round-the-clockHanging up
耐えるHow did they put up with all your sarcasm (皮肉)? Midnight Run
夢の実現に【妥協】はないyou can't compromise an artist's vision! Ed Wood
確かな筋からfrom the horse's mouth The Well
【多少のプラスマイナスはある】850ぐらい850, give or take. Schindler's List
ただいまI'm home. E.T. the
叩き込むYou've hammered into her? My fair lady
ただじゃおかないゾ You're not going to get away with it. Beetlejuice
立ち直るんだYou have to get over it. Deep Impact
蓼食う虫も好き好きThere's no accounting for taste. A Beautiful Mind
妥当なadequate A Beautiful Mind
棚ボタI've just got a great guy falling in my lap. Celebrity
楽しく過ごせなかったThey were no picnic. Courage
Under Fire
食べたら出発I'm sorry to eat and run. Twister
頼みがあるdo me a favor Traffic
たまたま...する Eddie happens to be my nephew. The Rocky Horror
Picture Show
たまには気分転換にfor a change Mars Attacks!
だめになるIce machine has had it. The Perfect Storm
ダメモトだWell, here goes nothing. I'll try for 11. Quiz Show
頼りにするYou can count on it. Raising Arizona
堕落するgo (all) to pot Five Easy Pieces
誰かのせいにするYou won't pin that on me. Exit Wounds
単位を落としそうになってあせったんだI was flunking a course and panicked. Mystic Pizza