映画で英会話 TangoTango!!

映画 de 英単語帳- い -

 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R Sa So T U V W X Y Z come go get give take put


いいかげんにしてKnock it off. Tootsie
いいぞAttaboy. Deliverance
いいぞGo! Go! Go! That's it! Cool Runnings
いいな(念押し)Do yourself a favor. Air Force One
言い寄るSo you're coming on to me. When Harry
Met Sally
言い訳をするthey finally gave you an excuse. Mr. Holland's
いいな(念押し)Do yourself a favor. Air Force One
イカスYou guys are awesome. Bring It on
生き方を変えるChange one's spots. Oscar
息をのませるほど美しい After all these years you still take my breath away. Romy and Michele's
High School Reunion
息もつけないほど面白い本It's a page-turner. The American
やーい、やーい、意気地なし!Cowardy Cowardy Custard! The Others
いざとなればWhen push comes to shove. Ocean's Eleven
意識を取り戻すIs he coming around? Bandits
いじめるWhy don't you pick on somebody your own size? The Mummy
意地悪なんだものThey were mean to me. Pretty Woman
以上だ!That's it. Go! Rat Race
急いでStep on it! Tremors 2
痛いところをつかれたThat's hitting below the belt. Lethal Weapon 4
いちかばちかやってみるI think you're good enough to go for it_. Billy Elliot
一時預けるI have to check my wrap. Mrs. Doubtfire
一にも二にも...this, and ...that The Last
Boy Scout
一文無しWe're broke. Mulholland Drive
いったい全体何だってfor Christ's sake Gattaca
言っておくがLet's get this straight. Ice Age
一杯食わされたんだよYou fell for it. The Fly
いとも簡単にJust like that. Exit Wounds
今すぐだYesterday. ブラック・ダイヤモンド
今、何とおっしゃいましたか?I beg your pardon? The Princess
今に見てろJust you wait. My Fair Lady
嫌気がさすdisgusting Panic Room
いよいよだThis is it! Apollo 13