映画で英会話 TangoTango!!

映画 de 英単語帳- そ -

  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R Sa So T U V W X Y Z  come go get give take put

に-の る-わ

送金するI need you to wire me 500 to the Western Union Office. Midnight Run
そうこなくっちゃThat's more like it Rush Hour2
喪失感I'm sorry for your loss. Collateral Damage
早朝(夜間)飛行便red-eye The Bone
そそのかして...させるThe gambling syndicate probably put them up to it. Rollerball
ぞっこん惚れ込む I want Allison to fall head-over
-heels in love
with me.
そっちこそThat makes two of us. The Ninth Gate
袖の下under the table L.A. Confidential
そのうちわかるWe'll see. Mulholland Drive
その気になるtake it into one's head The Piano
そのことに関してはこれまでSo much for Miss
そのことに関しては知り尽くしているI have been there. Basquiat
めでたし めでたし
They lived happily ever after. The Other
その調子!Keep it up! Smoke
その名にふさわしいAre we talking about the Hamunaptra? The Mummy
それではよろしくPut it there. Shooting Fish
そんな気分じゃないのI'm really not in the mood for you. The Mummy
そんなことするな! Don't you dare!Boys
そんなことも知らないの?Where have I been? Romy and Michele's
High School Reunion
そんなこと知るもんかSearch me. The Talented Mr. Ripley
そんなつもりじゃなかったのI didn't mean that. Bonnie and Clyde
そんなのありえっこない That'll be the day. Point Of
No Return