映画で英会話 TangoTango!!

映画 de 英単語帳- て -

  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R Sa So T U V W X Y Z  come go get give take put

に-の る-わ

定刻までに仕事を終えるbeat the clock Four Rooms
手加減しているのか?Are you holding back? Daredevil
でかしたぞHow about that! Bonnie and Clyde
出来心Just barge in on a whim? Dog Day
できちゃった結婚shotgun wedding She's the One
できるだけ早くas soon as I can Domestic
出くわすrun into Pi
手をかしてgive me a hand The Wiz
手を抜くなDon't slack off. Bring It on
手をひけと?You ask me to back off? The Pelican Brief
手出しをしないの?You won't lift a finger? The Whole
Nine Yards
徹夜で勉強するI'm pulling an all-nighter.
Without that book, I'm dead, okay?
Scent of
a Woman
出て行けYou're finished here, Lombardo. Take a hike. Wild Things
デートに誘う He wants to ask me out on a date. One Fine Day
デートの相手を世話してやるWho can we fix Ted up with? You Only Live Twice
手にいれたばかりのbrand-new Five Easy Pieces
手短にin a nutshell Sliding Doors
手も足も出ないMy hands are tied. Benny & Joon
伝線する(ストッキング)I've got a runner in my panty hose. Pretty Woman
電話を切ったわ She hung up.Hanging up
電話させてねHave her call me when she gets back. Halloween
電話帳に番号は載っていますI'm in the book. Human Nature
