映画で英会話 TangoTango!!

映画 de 英単語帳- ひ -

  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R Sa So T U V W X Y Z  come go get give take put

に-の る-わ

引き受けるI'll take it on. Erin Brockovich
久しぶりLong time no see. Crimson Tide
ピシッと言ってやれWhy don't you tell her off? Singin'
In The Rain
必要条件を満たすHe really fit the bill. マイレージ、マイライフ
一息入れさせてI'll just take a moment to catch my breath. City of Angels
ひどいわThey're standing in my flowers! That does it! Mad City
人騒がせなfalse alarm Doctor
一口すするJust a sip. The Fabulous Baker Boys
人の弱みにつけこむ You have to stop letting people walk all over you. Hanging up
人は見掛けによらないYou can't judge a book by its cover. Some Kind
of Wonderful
一つのことに全ての希望を賭けるPut all your eggs in one basket. Gone In Sixty Seconds
ひとつやってみようtake a shot at it Notting
紙袋かビニール袋か(スーパーで)Paper or plastic? go
暇じゃないんだ(急げ)I haven't got all day. Metro
暇つぶしIt's just a way of killing time. The Apartment
秘密a skeleton in the closet EdTV
評価するI can evaluate your performance Ghost World
氷山の一角She's the tip of the iceberg. Primary Colors
平手打ちをするI don't slap so good around this time of evening. The Big Sleep
ピンとくるring a bell The Thirteenth
ピンピンしているI'm alive and kicking. Double Jeopardy