PR  話題のDVDが続々登場! 映画で英会話 TangoTango!!

                        プレデターズ (2010・米)
監督:ニムロッド・アーントル  脚本:アレックス・リトヴァク マイケル・フィンチ


Royce:Please stop doing that. 撃つんじゃない
You're shooting at the wrong people. 
Nikolai: How do I know? 
Royce: Because otherwise, we wouldn't have be having this conversation. 

Nikolai: All right. You wanna show me the right ones? 
Nikolai: Nikolai. I mean, I'm Nikolai. 

Royce: What's the last thing you remember, Nikolai? 最後の記憶は?
Nikolai: War. Yeah. I was with the Chechnya. 
And then there was a light. And then I... Then I woke up and I was... 
光が見えて その後は気付いたら

Cuchillo: Falling. 落ちてたYeah, same thing. I was in Baja. 
And then there was a light. And then chingao. 
Nikolai: Where are we? 
Royce: Maybe she knows. 

Royce: You want to lower the weapon? 
Isabelle:I've never seen this jungle. And I've seen most. 
Nikolai: All right, you think this is Asia? Maybe Africa? 
Isabelle: Too hot for this time of year. 
And the topography is all wrong. Amazon, maybe. I saw more parachutes. 

Royce: Which way? 
Isabelle: Why? 
Royce: So I can figure out who threw me out of a fuckin' airplane. 

Isabelle: Do you remember a plane? 飛行機を覚えている?
Royce: I woke up free fall, you? 落下中に目が覚めた 
Isabelle: Same. 
Royce: You IDF? イスラエルか?
Isabelle: Yeah, you in the service? 国防軍?
Royce: Not exactly. ちょっと違う

Stans: You with him? 仲間か?
Isabelle: No. 

Stans: Then why don't you mind your own fucking business? なら邪魔するな
Isabelle: We have bigger problems right now. 喧嘩している場合?
Stans: Okay, "boss". Whatever you say.

Mombasa:I will finish, what you started! このケリはつけるからな

Stans: Strength in numbers huh? 数は力なりか。
Isabelle: Something like that. そんなとこね。
Stans: Yeah, then maybe we should get that guy hanging in the tree? 

Stans: What the hell is that? 
Isabelle: Who would do this? 
Mombasa: Whoever they are, they take trophies. 
In my culture the warrior 
with the greatest trophies commands the most respect. 

Stans: Whatever. そうかよ
Nikolai: It's a test. To see how we do under pressure. 
テストされている 俺たちの戦闘能力を
Isabelle: If this were a test, you'd all be military. 全員軍人のはず。
Total strangers. 赤の他人の寄せ集め Live rounds. 
This is something else. 
Cuchillo: Maybe it's ransom. 誘拐かも
Back in Tijuana, we kidnap you, put you in an oil drum. 
The ransom's not paid, we light you on fire. 
Stans: I hear these stories about these 
experiments they run on cons. 
They stick drugs in your food and they sit 
back and watch what happens. 

Edwin: Well, it's not drugs. それはない
If it was a psychotropic compound, we'd be feeling residual side effects. 
Loss of motor skills, blurry vision. And if it was a behavioral 
experiment... I mean, there... There'd be a point. 

Mombasa: What if we are dead? 
Stans: I was going to be executed in two days. 
Nikolai: And I was in combat. 俺は戦場にいた
Mombasa: So was I. 
Cuchillo: This is hell. 
Royce: Last time I looked, you didn't need a parachute to get there. 

But it doesn'tmatter what happened, or why. We're here. 
Only question is, how do we get out? 
考えても仕方がない 俺たちはここにいる 問題はどうやって脱出するかだ

Isabelle: Where are you going? 
Royce: To high ground. 
Isabelle: We should stick together. 離れちゃダメ
Royce: Then you should follow me. ならついてこい。

Edwin: Uh, yeah, I wouldn't do that. 
Edwin: Yep. Archaefructus liaoningensis. 世界最古の花だ
That is really, really poisonous. すごい猛毒だよ
Wouldn't take more than one scratch to cause 
total paralysis... ちょっと触っただけで全身マヒ
Nikolai: Thank you. I'll watch for you out there.
助かった あんたを援護してやるよ 
Isabelle: You made a buddy. 相棒ができた

Isabelle: Hey, we need to rest. 休まないと
Royce: So rest. 
Isabelle: You look like you could use it too. あんたもつらそう
Isabelle: You got a name? 名前は?
Royce: Look, I'm sorry. You want to play scout 
leader? Great. スカウトリーダアーをやりたきゃやれよ
You want to follow me? Fine.   ついてくるなら来い
But I'm not doing this...I'm better on my own.だが俺にかまうな 一人がいい

Isabelle: Want to see something fucked up?

Royce: Well between that and the sun, 
I'd say we have a real problem. 太陽の位置がかなりヤバイ
Isabelle: What about the sun? 
Royce: It hasn't moved since we got here.動いていない 
Isabelle: What do you think is really going on? 何が起きていると思う?
Royce: What do I think? 
Royce: Spetznatz Alpha Group 
Royce: Los Zetas Cartel Enforcer 
Royce: R.U.F., that's a death-squad from 
Sierra Leone 
Royce: Yakuza Inagawa-kai 
Royce: The FBI's Most Wanted 
Royce: and... him. They're all heavy-hitters,
皆、大物だ he doesn't belong. 
Isabelle: Belong to what? 
Royce: I'd say we were chosen. 
Isabelle: What about you? 
Royce: What about me? 
Isabelle: You know the jungle, all the players. I'm guessing Ex-Military, 
Black-Ops, probably Mercenary. てことは元軍人 たぶん傭兵部隊
Royce: You got a problem with that? 
Isabelle: Not at the moment. 
Royce: Good. 

Mombasa: We triggered a dead man's trap. こいつが罠を?
Edwin: It's two weeks, judging from the 
rate of decomposition. 腐敗の状態からみて死後2週間
Nikolai: He took up a position here. ここに陣取った
Shooting in all directions. すべて見渡せる
This was a last stand. この罠に賭けた

Nikolai: United States Special Forces.米陸軍特殊部隊
This is strange. He is supposed to be deployed in Afghanistan. 
妙だな 配置されているのはアフガンのはず

Stans: What's he doing here, setting traps for us?
Royce: They weren't meant for us. 
He was hunting something else. 他のものを狙った
Something a lot bigger. デカイものを
Edwin: Bigger? 
Royce: The trunk was a deadfall. 丸太の仕掛けは
Rule of thumb with a deadfall is 
you set the weight five times that of the target animal. 
Whatever it was, got through the trip wires. And did this. 

Isabelle: What is it?

Stans: Hey, where are we going? 
Royce: Someone put us on this rock. There's got to be a way off it. 

What the fuck? 
Stans:  Hey. 
You know what? Fuck this. This is 
bullshit, man. I want a gun. 
Stans:Come on, man, you got two motherfucking guns, man. 
Somebody give me a gun. 
Stans: Come on, Russian. You got a big fucking gun. 
Stans:  Come on, man. Give me a gun. 
Stans: Give me your gun. Right now. Give me your gun. 
Mombasa: I'm ready to die. Are you? 
覚悟はできてる 貴様は?

Mombasa: As bad as you are, those things 
are worse. 

Edwin: Excuse me. Just what the hell is going on here? 
Royce: We're being hunted. The cages. 
The soldier. All of us. All brought here for the same purpose. 
This planet is a game preserve. 
And we're the game. In case you didn't notice, we just got flushed out. 
They sent the dogs in, 
just like you if you were stalking boar or shooting quail. 
They split us apart and they watched. Testing us.
Isabelle: How do you know this? 何でわかるの?
Royce: Because, that's what I would do. 俺もそうするからだ
Edwin: Fantastic!

Help me! Help!

Mombasa: Wound one man. Make him suffer. 
Make him bleed. Make him call out for help, 
血をながさせ 助けをよばせる
and set a trap and kill those who come. 
I know because I have done this. 俺もそうした
Stans: So we're gonna leave him here, right? 置いていこう。
Come on, look at him. He's done.奴を見ろ 終わっている
There's nothing else we can do, right? Right? 何もできない
Royce: We leave him. 置いていこう
Isabelle: I can't. 
Royce: Then, that's on you. なら好きにしろ

Edwin: What are we gonna do? どうする?
Isabelle: We should go to higher ground. 登るべきね
Edwin: Really? We're on an alien hunting planet. 
You really think the solution is to walk more? 
エイリアンの猟場から逃げる方法が もっと歩け?
Royce: It wants us to run. 走らせる気だ
That's how it hunts. 狩るために
This is its jungle. Its game. Its rules. 
敵のジャングルで ゲームが始まる 敵のルールで。
We run, we die. 走れば死ぬ
Isabelle: What's the alternative?何か手がある? 
Royce: We need to know what we're dealing with.敵の正体を知る 
Dog tracks go that way. We go after it. 犬が行ったほうへ 追うぞ

Isabelle:You set us up. あんたのせいよ
He led us into that death camp, then hid and waited for that thing to 
strike. We were bait. 

Royce: I needed to know who we're up against. 
Now I do. 敵の正体を知るためだ

Stans: A man is dead because of that. 一人いけにえにしてな

Royce: This morning you were ready to kill him.今朝殺そうとしたろ? 
Stans: Well it ain't this goddamn morning, is it? もう今朝じゃねえ
Royce: Well at least he didn't die in vain. 犬死じゃない

Stans: Why? So we could find out firsthand 
what it feels like to have our asses kicked? 
Royce: No. We found out that there's more 
than one of them. 敵が複数だとわかった
That they use projectile and energy-based weapons.
That they have some sort of cloaking device. 
That they're bigger than us, stronger, but also heavier. 
俺たちよりでかくて強い 重い

Isabelle: You put us at risk yourself.
 You want to be on your own, you got it. 
独りがいい? すきにして。
Royce: Why don't you tell them the truth? 
Isabelle: I don't know what you're talking about. 
Royce: You know what I'm talking about. 
The way you looked at that thing that was 
strung up, the way you reacted. 

She knows what it is. 正体を知っている Don't you? だろ?
Isabelle: We don't have a name for them. 名前名はない
'87, Guatemala. A spec ops team went into 
the jungle. High end. Six men plus a CIA liaison. 
特殊部隊がジャングルへ 精鋭部隊よ 6人 プラスCIA局員
Only one made it out. 生還者は1人
In his debrief, he said they came in contact with something. 
He gave a detailed description. 
The thing on the totem. それと似ている
It wore some kind of camouflage that adjusted to ambient light. 
Made it nearly invisible in our spectrum. It could see in infrared.
Heat signatures. He used mud to block his. 
That's how he beat it. It hunted and killed his 
team, one by one. その生還者は体に泥を塗り
逃げ切った でも部隊の仲間は殺された 1人筒

Royce: Whatever it is, wherever they're from, 
ここがどこで 何物でも 全員始末する
we're going to kill them all. We set up a 
defensive perimeter. Make it look like 
we are holing up. 
まず防御線を張る 隠れてると思わせ敵をおびき出す
That'll bring them to us. We force them into a choke point. 
We get them in overlapping fields of fire. 
It can be done. I can't do it alone. 
勝算はある だがひとりじゃ無理だ

Royce: Hey, Doc. 
Edwin: Hey. 
Royce: I think I just finally figured out 
a way you can be useful. 役に立つ時がきたな

Stans: You know, man, 
if we ever make it home, I'm going to 
do so much fucking cocaine. I'm gonna 
rape so many fine bitches. I'll be like,
 "What time is it? After 5:00? Damn. 
Time to go rape me some fine bitches." 
Stans: You know what I'm saying? 
Edwin:Oh, yeah. 
Totally. Like; 5:00, it's bitch-raping time. 
Stans: Mmm. Yeah. 

Nikolai: You should stay away from him. 
Edwin: Yeah. 

Royce: You still pissed? 怒っているのか。
Isabelle: Fuck you. 死ねば。

Isabelle: What happened to you? 
What made you so fucked up? 
何があったの ゆがんでいる。
Royce: "There is no hunting like the hunting of a man. 
And those who've hunted armed men long enough, 
and like it, never really care for 
anything else thereafter." 
Isabelle: That's pretty poetic. 詩的ね
Did you come up with that all by yourself? 
Royce: No, actually. That was Hemingway. 

Royce:What the fuck are you? 誰だ?
Noland: I'm alive. 俺は生きている
You talk too loud. 声がでかいぞ
Smelled you since you got here. 着いたときから臭った
If I can smell you, if I can hear you, 
they can, too. Storm coming soon. This way. 
Isabelle: Wait. Who are you? 
Noland: Noland, run away, live to fight another day. 生き残った
Noland: I'm the one that got away. 
The one you don't fuck with. やられてたまるか

Noland: Come on.
Isabelle: Where are we?

Stans: Wow, what a shithole. You live here? くそダメだな ここが住まいか
Noland: Oh, no. No. This is my summer home. 
I winter in the Riviera. The schools are so 
much nicer there. And the men... Ooh, la, la! By the way, you're welcome. 

Isabelle: How did you survived?

Noland: Hey. Yeah, I'll tell him. 俺が言うよ

Noland: Hey, Agent Orange, それを置け。
you wanna put that down? Certain people around 
here are particular about other people 
messing with their shit. 

Noland: Very important, though. 
Disrupts the heat signature. You motherfuckers. 
Royce: So, you killed one? 
Noland: Uh-uh. I killed two. Maybe three. I can't remember. 

Noland: Anyway, there's two different types of them out there. Hmm? 
2つのタイプがいる 似ているけど違う
Now, they're similar, but they're different. 
It's kind of like the difference 
between dogs and wolves. 犬とオオカミみたいに
The one's that are running things up there, 
the larger ones, hunt the smaller ones.
It's some kind of blood feud, I guess. Been going on for a long time. 

Royce: They do this just for sport? 狩りは娯楽?

Noland: Oh, yeah, they bring in fresh meat season after season. 
I mean, shit you wouldn't believe. Bring it in, 
hunt it and kill it. In that order. 
冗談みたいなのもいる連れてきて 狩って殺す その繰り返し

Stans: How long have you been here, man? 
Noland: Uh... Seven seasons, I think. 
Noland: What? Ten? Damn. 
Noland: Anyway, every once in a while, once of us kills one of them. 

And, let me tell you, that's when they get interested. 
See, they learn quick. They adapt. 
They develop a whole new set of skills. 
すると妙に張り切って なぜやられたかを学習する
すぐに適応する 新しいスキルを磨く 
They come back the next season in threes, 
always in threes. 
そして戻ってくる いつも3匹セットで
Their armor might've changed, 
or their weapons have changed, or their tactics have changed. 
It's amazing 大したもんだ
Nikolai: So, it's like evolution. 
They're trying to make themselves into better killers. 

Noland: Mmm hmm. 
Royce: You said they come back. 
Noland: They got a ship. 
Royce: A ship? 
Noland: Yeah. It's 30 yards from their camp. 
Noland: I told you they wouldn't see it. I told you they wouldn't.  

Isabelle: You were there. You could've helped us.
見物してたの? 助けられたのに

Royce: How do we kill them? 
Noland: However you can. 
Isabelle: They must have a weakness. 弱点があるはず。
Noland: Not many.多くはない

Noland: You want to survive? You dig in deep. You stay hid. 
Stans: Yeah, well, we're gonna go with door 
number two. 別の答えを選ぶぜ
How do we get out of this valley? 
Noland: Oh. Ten seasons. First two seasons... 
No, three seasons I was there, I was walking 
in the same direction, trying to reach the edge of the preserve. 

Noland: Let me tell you something, there ain't no edge of the preserve. 
Royce: Maybe you and your friend wanna tell me about that ship. 
Noland: Let's see. That's a brilliant idea. 
Brilliant. The whole time I've been here,
it never occurred to me to commandeer 
the alien spacecraft. エイリアンの船を奪うなんて
But I wouldn't know how to fly it.だが俺は操縦できない
He would. Of course, you know how to fly it? 
Royce: I'll give it a shot. やってみるよ
Noland:Well, I'm gonna get some sleep. 

No noise. They're out there. 
They're always out there. Water in there. Help yourself. 
All of you. 

Hanzo: This is old. Very old. 
They've been doing this for a long time. 
Edwin: So you speak English. 
Hanzo: Yes. 
Edwin: Why don't you say more? 
Hanzo: Because I talk too much. 口は災いのもと

Isabelle: You know what I was doing when I was taken? ある時敵に見つかった
Ishak, my spotter. He was caught.イサクというスポッターが捕まった
I could have done something, but then 
I would have been slaughtered along with him. 
So, I hid. I watched him die. だから隠れて、彼が死ぬのを見ていた。
I wished I pulled that trigger. 撃つべきだった

Royce: You do what you have to, to survive. 
Isabelle: You said we were chosen. I asked,
 "For what?" I should've asked why. 

It's because we are predators. 
Just like them. We're the monsters of our own world. 
It's probably better that we're never going back. 
Royce: I am going back. I'm going after that ship. 
Isabelle: You learn how to fly it in the last hour and not tell me? 
Royce: No. That thing strung up at the camp might know. 
My guess is, it'd do just about
 anything to get free. Enemy of my enemy. 
Isabelle: That doesn't make it a friend. 

Royce:  Say goodbye to your little friend. 
Noland: You're in my house, motherfucker! 

Stans: Yeah, that didn't open up shit. 
Royce: Wasn't meant to, asshole. 
I'm calling in the cavalry. 

Noland: You took you so long. 遅かったな。

Stans: Die, you space faggot! 
Who do you think you're dealing with, hoss? Is that all you've got? 

Stans: GO! GO! 
Stans: Come on. 
Come on! COME ON! 

I guess they made it. 乗れたのね

Edwin: I guess now you realize why they chose me. 
I was right in front of you guys the whole time. Just watching you. 
Earning your trust. You couldn't see me for what

I really am. You see, back home,I'm a murderer. 地球では 俺は殺人鬼
I'm a freak. 異常者だ
But here, among the monsters, I'm normal.
 I like it here. I wanna stay. 
ここでは モンスターたちといると俺は正常だ。ここにいたい。
Edwin: Oh! You came back. 
Royce: I missed my ride. 乗り損ねた
Edwin: Oh, thank God. Help us get out of here.

Edwin: I didn't think you'd come back. But she, she never lost faith in you. 
I guess I owe you an apology. You are a good man after all. 
Royce: No. I'm not. 
Royce: But I'm fast.
Edwin: Please don't kill.
Royce: I won't.

Royce: I am Royce.
Isabelle: Nice to meet you, Royce. I'm Isabelle.

Royce: Now, let's find a way off this fucking planet. 
