Update history



26th Dec.:   A framework for the first English edition was drafted.

27th Dec.: English contents were partially drafted.

28th Dec.: The Japanese counterpart of the site was partially drafted.

29th Dec.: The whole frame work was drafted for both Japanese and English edition.

30th Dec.: The whole frame work was completed for both Japanese and English edition.

31st Dec.: Some of the general was amended to meet the principle of the scholarship.

1st Jan.: Aims and purpose was edited to be uploaded.


5th Jan.: Letters in the update history were minimised to save space.

8th Jan.: Organisation was revised with some addition.

A Happy New Year

15th Jan.: The new year’s greetings with decorations were withdrawn to the update page.

29th Jan.:A gallery pages were edited in both English and Japanese.

3rd Feb..:The whole site was opened to the public.

4th Feb.:Wrong linkages within the site were corrected with some contents enriched.

5th Feb.:A small correction and addition were made.

6th Feb.:A picturesque Gondar Airport was put up in the Gallary page.

8th Feb.: Some minor errors were corrected.

26th Feb.: Some English misspellings were corrected.

2nd Mar.: A minor English usage was corrected.

1st May.: A new announcement was made.

12th May.: Modification if font and colour was made in some English and Japanese pages.

1st May.: A new page was added to the site.

29th May.: The contents were added to the new page Collaboration Results page.

20th May.:A new result of collaborative work was added.

In view of the devastating tsunami, further fund will not be made unless application is accepted before 31st July, 2011.


Now accepting application for 2011 academic year !

Recepients for 2010; Mr. Jemal Ali and Mr. Yeshambel Belyhun

31th Dec.;Announcement of scholarship for Oct., 2010 - Sept., 2011 and successful candidates were moves to this page.

16th Jan.; Announcement of scholarship for Oct., 2012 - Sept., 2013 was described on top page.


19th Jan.; The final report form and balance sheet were uploaded.

Applications for  Oct., 2012- Sept.,2013 scholarship will be announced shortly with possible minor amendment of the conditions. This is because recovery from the disaster has now been relatively quicker on its right track.

19th Feb.; A new announcement regrading Prof Ota’s scholarship below was described on top page.

Applications for  Oct., 2012- Sept.,2013 scholarship is now open for applicants wishing to travel to Tokushima, Japan for personal exchange under the academic agreement.

1st Mar.; A new announcement regrading Prof Ota’s scholarship below was moved to this page and applicant for 2012-2-13 was announced on top page.

Right: Ceremony of academic agreement between Gondar University, Ethiopia and The University of Tokushima, Japan

22nd April.; Top page was renewed with a fresh picture taken in Tokushima, Japan when Afewrok and other two doctors were invited for preparatory academic agreement between the University of Tokushima and that of Gondar in Ethiopia.

22nd April.; New member for the committee were announced for years 2012 and 2014.

23rd April.; All pages both in English and Japanese pages were revised and refreshed.

9th May:   Some misspellings and  wrong hyperlinks were corrected

15th May:  Fund and supporters are enriched and updated.

20th May:  Some pictures in the friendly memory page were explained for enrichment updated.

Application for a special scholarship for 2012 from Kassahun Desalegn Bilcha has been accepted.


3rd August: The whole  homepage has successfully been reopened.

3rd August:To new scholarships by Japanese are uploaded.

Rr. Kassahun Desalegn Bilcha has been approved to be given the scholarship for 2012 for travel expenses to visit Tokushima, Japan.

4th August:Top page and archives were renewed with additional infomation.

Part of the fund for 2012 scholarship was donated by Profs. J. Motonaka & T. Yabutani at the University of Tokushima, Japan.


6th August: Some committee members of the 3 scholarship were uploaded .

6th August: Some more useful  links were uploaded .

15th August: Conditions of application for the three scholarship were changed with common among them.

16th August: Matters regarding scholarship is separated from other pages of activities from the support group.

16th August: Top page totally revised and replaced with a new one.

20th August: Top page and some other pates related to the scholarship were updated with new information.

21st August: Time zone for access to  download files have been described.

22nd August: Page for the selection committee has been revised with new members.

24th August: Some pages for the scholarship has been  revised.


For 2013-2014 year Mr Bemnet Amare and Mr Mengistu Endris have been selected to receive Prof. F. Ota’s scholarship.

29th August:Top page and some pages regarding the scholarship were revised with new additional information.

Sorry for your inconvenience to announce that this whole site has to be closed down due to the server’s stop of free service.

Site was reopened! Prof. Ota found another free server and could uploaded the old site as it was with some revision and addition in the due course.

30th August:All committee members from the Ethiopian side and application files(pdf) for each scholarship were uploaded.

30th August:During updating due to a mistake by the site administrator most pages were broken for linkage and emergency notice was shown in the English top page only .

31th August: Laborious work during last night resumed almost the site to normal operation and emergency notice was removed from the English top page.

6th September : Upload trouble has been resolved with new URL with description of the most of the New Members for selection committee.

4th September : Upload trouble has occurred again and this site is not accessible from outside world.

7th Sept. :

Topppage was renewed with a new friendly picture and archives were revised accordingly.

Left; With president Kagawa, Prof. Shimada and other VIPs in President offic at Headqaurtre of The University of Tokushima (taken by Prof. Fusao Ota (6, April, 2012)

9th Sept. :

Update page was rearranged for chronological rearrangement and some English usage were corrected.

10th Sept. :

Pictures taken in 2014 when rotarian Mr. Abe and other delegate from the University of Tokushima visited and planted Hachisuka Cherry trees were added to the friendly memory page.

29th Sept. :

Members of all selection committees were reappointed with some new paticipants.

30th Sept. :

some members of the selection committees were corrected for their names or their wrong affiliation.

13th Nov. :

Application for all scholarship has been cancelled for the academic year of 2014-2015.

20th Nov. :

Associate professor Motoki Yabutani has been promoted to a full professor at the University of Ehime as of 1st November 2014.

10th Dec. :

The page for collaboration was revised with additional achievement after 2014.

X’ mass 2014

28th Dec. :

The page for X’mass was transferred to archives page.



Merry X’mass to you all!

Assoc. Prof. Tomoki Yabutani has been promoted to Full Professor at the Univeristy of Ehime!


1st Jan. :

Greetings for the New Year are presented.


3rd Jan. :

Affiliations and their emails of the committee members were revised with other corrections.

Happy New Year !


15th Jan. :

Greetings for the New Year were moved to the archives .

18th Jan. :

The top pages were revised.

19th Jan. :

Some pages were remodeled and revised.

19th Apr. :

Announce of  scholarship application for 2015-2016 will be soon made and relevant matters in this web site have be revised.

Announce of application for the year of 2014-2-15 and 2015-2016  together will soon  be announced was withdrawn.

21st Dec. :

It is our great regret to announce that all applications have been cancelled for a few reasons.

20th Apr. :

10th Jan. :


Application for the year of 2014-2-15 and 2015-2016  together was announced on the web .

13th Jan. :

Part of scholarship have been revised.

13th Jan. :

Announcement of revision in scholarship pages was made.

14th Jan. :

18th Jan. :

Part of general conditions for scholarship was revised.

Part of general conditions for scholarship was revised.

19th Jan. :

Part of general conditions for scholarship was revised.

24th Jan. :

Part of general conditions for scholarship was revised.

25th Jan. :

Part of general conditions for scholarship was revised.

29th Jan. :

Part of useful links was revised.

30th Jan. :

Members of selection committee was revised.

31th Jan. :

Page of the organisation and suporters  was revised.

1st Feb. :

Report forms were revised.

3rd March:

Appointment of Prof. Afework Kassu as State Minister of Science and Technology was uploaded.

Scholarship for both 2014-2-15 and 2015-2016 is now available for application. Submission must be no later than 15th March, 2016)

23rd May:

A second application for scholarships is announced.

28th May:

A second application for scholarships is publicised.

A SECOND application for 2014-2-15 and 2015-2016 Scholarship. Submission must be no later than 30th July, 2016)

Before you complete application forms you should read carefully the aim and purpose of each scholarship and conditions.

Announcement: Mr. Mebrat Ejo Kitata, PhD student of University of Gondar has been approved by the selection committee to have 2-14-2015 scholarship of Emeritus Prof. Ota.

4th Oct.:

Top page was renewed.

Scholarship for the academic year of 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 are now applicable. Candidates must read carefully the following documents and submit the application forms filled up to Prof. Fusao Ota :no later than 15th March, 2016 addressing to E-mail:(ota-fusao@me.pikara.ne.jp)

6th Oct.:

The announcement below was deleted from the top page of scholarship.

Announcement: Mr. Mebrat Ejo Kitata, PhD student of University of Gondar has been approved by the selection committee to have 2-14-2015 scholarship of Emeritus Prof. Ota.

27th Oct.

Above announcement was moved from the top page of scholarship.

31st Oct.

Scholarship supported by Mr. Abe was closed.

10th Noc.

The contents regarding Mr. Abe’s scholarship was deleted.

Emert. Prof. Ota’s and Dr. Nishikawa’s scholarship are now available for application (single or two to three years study plan (2015-2017)

28th Dec.

”The third application is now in consideration! Announcement will be made in a month or so.” was replaced with a new announcement.

30th Dec.


Toppage rearranged.

2nd Jan.

31st. Mar.

Budget estimate file was added to Prof. Ota’s application forms.

This page revised with new pictures and some more rearrangement.

16 th Apr.

30th Apr.

International rotary was added in the useful link.